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Call Nagle & Associates to Get the Money You Deserve After a Truck Accident
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Former Insurance AdjusterOver $400,000,000 in Truck Accident

Truck Accident Injury Attorneys in Greensboro, NC

Our boutique injury law firm only handles roadway crash cases, with particular focus on collision cases involving tractor-trailers and commercial trucks. Crashes involving large trucks often result in serious or catastrophic injuries. Carl Nagle is a former insurance adjuster, with experience handling trucking claims for a large, national insurance carrier. He also worked as an insurance defense lawyer in Atlanta before moving to North Carolina. During those years, he was retained by trucking insurance companies to defend careless truck drivers. He knows exactly how truck insurance adjusters and insurance defense lawyers work to avoid or minimize valid injury claims.

We are North Carolina's only pure motor vehicle accident injury law firm. We only handle roadway accident cases, and refuse to handle any other legal matter. This focus and experience helps us maximize the money we collect in every case. We have collected over $700 million for NC crash victims, and we have handled many multi-million dollar truck and commercial vehicle accident cases. We also offer a reduced legal fee of 25% for settlements (and most cases settle), and 33% for litigation and trial. With our firm, you keep a larger share of the money we collect when your case closes. We also make the legal process easy for you – once we are involved, you work with doctors to restore your health and we take care of everything else.

Truck Crash Cases

Things To Know About Truck Crash Cases

More often than not, commercial truck drivers operate their vehicles with care and concern for other motorists. However, due to the large number of trucks and delivery vehicles that share our roadways, commercial truck accidents are quite common throughout NC.

According to research from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, the number of truck and bus crashes in the State of North Carolina has hovered between 7,250 to 7,500. Commercial vehicle and truck accidents cause more than 2,500 injuries in The Tar Heel State every year. With large interstate corridors including Interstate 95 along the Eastern Seaboard, Interstate 85 and Interstate 40 running from Wilmington, NC all the way to Santa Monica, CA, it's no wonder that North Carolina sees thousands of truck accidents on a yearly basis.

If you or a family member has been injured in a collision involving a truck, bus, or another commercial vehicle on a North Carolina road, you might be eligible for substantial compensation. Commercial drivers are typically covered by large insurance policies.  However, with large amounts of money involved, these insurers employ the best, highest-paid adjsuters who work to minimize your injury claims and settlement money.The experienced team at Nagle & Associates is prepared to assist you in pursuing justice and securing a generous settlement that provides the necessary funds for your recovery and to support your loved ones.

Meet the Truck Accident Injury Attorneys in Greensboro, NC, Focused Only on Auto Accidents

Trucking accidents in North Carolina are almost never “black and white.” They often involve application of all North Carolina traffic laws alongside a body of complex federal regulations. Victims must be prepared to offer evidence to prove all violations of state laws and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations that govern truck drivers and other commercial vehicle operators. That's why it's so crucial to have legal representation from a lawyer with substantial experience in commercial vehicle accident cases. An aggressive, experienced truck accident lawyer has your best interests at heart and can help you avoid common pitfalls after your truck wreck happens.

And make no mistake, wrecks involving trucks can happen in the blink of an eye. You chose a finer dining option like highest-rated fine dining Green Valley Grill in Greensboro, NC. Before you can get to your exit, a fatigued tractor-trailer driver crashes into your car and changes your life forever. It sounds hyperbolic, but these traumatic accidents do happen, and usually when you least expect them to.

In the event of a crash caused by a tractor-trailer driver or any other commercial vehicle operator, it's important NOT to collaborate with the driver's legal team or trust insurance adjusters who are working against your interests. Former claims adjuster Carl Nagle warns you to “remember that the insurance adjuster is being paid to oppose your claims, and you should not cooperate with their effort to avoid or minimize your injury claim payments”. Instead, seek representation from a seasoned North Carolina truck accident attorney who has a proven track record of success.

We represent victims, just like you, who have been injured by commercial trucks, including:

  • 18-Wheelers
  • Dump Trucks
  • Tanker Trucks
  • Refrigerator Trucks
  • Freightliners
  • Cargo Trucks
  • Package Delivery Trucks
  • Box Trucks
  • Flatbed Trucks
  • Tow Trucks
  • More

Have you been in a recent accident, and you're trying to figure out what to do next? Are you unsure whether you've been hit by a commercial vehicle or some other type of automobile? Contact Nagle & Associates today. During your free consultation, we'll help answer your questions and provide clarity during this admittedly confusing time.

Associates Difference

What Our Clients Say

The Nagle & Associates Difference

Nagle & Associates is a law firm that focuses exclusively in roadway accident cases. Carl Nagle and our legal team have collected millions of dollars in tax-free compensation for NC truck accident victims. With extensive experience in handling these intricate, high-value cases, we know how to motivate the claims adjuster to offer the highest settlement in every case.  And if the adjuster refuses to offer fair compensation, we will take your case to trial before a jury of your neighbors in the Superior Court of ---------------county in Greensboro, NC-------. Here are just a few ways that our NC truck accident law firm differentiates itself from others and helps you obtain maximum compensation when your case concludes.

Accident Victims

Nagle & Associates isn't like other truck accident law firms, and that's by design. We don't advertise on the radio, over the phone, or on billboards. Instead, we focus those resources on benefitting our clients by providing caring yet highly effective legal services for every truck accident victim we represent. We also have a better fee structure than most other law firms focusing on commercial vehicle crashes.

Our lawyers operate on a contingency fee basis, meaning we don't get paid until the case is settled or your trial is complete. We are paid only IF AND WHEN you are paid. Most cases settle without the need for lawsuit filings or court involvement. This fee structure motivates us to push hard to collect the highest possible value for your injury claims. The more we collect for you, the higher the fee. Our goal is to increase the amount we collect for you so that you end up with far more money in hand when the case closes, even after the legal fee is deducted. The contingency fee is win/win for the lawyer and client. We handle everything and work to pay our own fee AND improve what you collect.

Whether your case is settled, or we go to court, you can also rely on a lower fee overall. Most personal injury law firms charge 1/3 of the settlement (33.3%) and 40-44% of any amount collected after a suit is filed. Our firm charges 1/4 of the settlement (25%) and 1/3 (33.3%) of any amount collected after a suit is filed. We only file suit in cases where the insurer refuses fair payment, knowing that litigation will increase the amount of money our client receives.

insurance adjuster

Carl has extensive experience in the insurance industry, having worked as an insurance adjuster and insurance defense lawyer in Atlanta, Georgia. He worked for several large commercial insurance carriers, and was paid to defend truck drivers, trucking companies, business owners, and their insurance carriers. Carl built on that experience and, for the last 30 years, has been a truck accident attorney in Greensboro, NC, dedicated to accident victims and their families. He focuses on serious injury cases arising from roadway accidents. As a niche practice with a particular focus on trucking accident cases, Carl and his team know exactly how to gain full control of your legal case and collect the highest possible payment for your truck accident claims.

pay injury claims

Trucking companies and businesses employing professional drivers carry high-limit liability insurance, often with a million dollars or more to pay injury claims. Federal law requires high coverage. Many truckers and trucking companies carry large, multi-million dollar excess policies that pay additional money to truck crash victims. They do so because injuries arising from commercial truck crashes are often far more severe than other type of auto injuries. Tractor trailers, dump trucks, cement mixers, and cargo trucks weigh 10-20 times more than typical cars, which increases the risk of severe, permanent injuries. It's not uncommon for truck accident victims to spend days, weeks, or months as they recover in Abbotswood at Irving Park in Greensboro, NC.

Due to the serious nature of injuries in these crashes and the substantial insurance policies involved, commercial insurance companies hire skilled and experienced adjusters to handle truck accident injury claims. These adjusters are highly trained and receive higher compensation than other adjusters in the insurance industry. Their sole objective is to avoid or minimize valid claims. As your local ------Greensboro--- area truck accident lawyer, we take control of the adjuster and all insurance company communications so you don't get duped into admitting partial fault (which ends your case leaving you with zero compensation) or accepting a lowball offer.

However, if you do speak to an adjuster after your truck crash, remember that they'll be amicable and try to gain your trust while making every effort to settle for as little as possible. Never take legal advice from an insurance claims adjuster whose only job is to oppose your claim – no matter how nice and trustworthy they may seem. Diplomacy is their key to earning y our faith, so they can guide you into an unfair, irreversible settlement.

What are the Most Frequent Types of Trucking Accidents in North Carolina?

Even though heavy commercial trucks account for less than 5% of all registered vehicles nationwide, the FMCSA reports that over 13% of all fatal crashes on U.S. roads involved at least one large commercial truck or bus. Recent data published by the FMCSA indicates that there were over 273 million registered vehicles in the United States, including more than 13 million large commercial trucks like 18-wheelers. Of the people killed in commercial truck crashes, over 7 in 10 were occupants in other vehicles. While we rely on these multi-ton transporters to keep modern society moving, it's obvious that they can be very dangerous.

Keep reading to learn more about some of the most frequent tractor-trailer accidents we see at Nagle & Associates and why they happen.

Rear-End Truck Collisions

The size difference between commercial trucks and regular commuter cars is so massive that standard cars are often crushed in trucking accidents. That holds true for rear-end collisions. Unfortunately, because 18-wheelers take so much more time to slow down and come to a safe stop, truck drivers who are distracted or are speeding are often responsible for horrific injuries.

Rear-End Truck

Big Rig Rollovers

A truck rollover accident is one of the most devastating and frightening crashes that can occur. Unlike standard passenger cars, tractor-trailers and other large commercial trucks have a much higher center of gravity. That's why experienced truck drivers have to navigate tight turns and sudden swerves with extreme caution. If drivers attempt sudden turns or drive too fast for the conditions around them, the truck and trailer can flip over, causing the entire truck to roll onto its side. This creates a perilous and potentially fatal situation for everyone on the road. For example, an overloaded trailer leaving Greensboro History Museum in Greensboro, NC, may sway side-to-side as it takes a turn, and roll over onto a driver in the next lane. While this seems unlikely, rollover crashes occur frequently on North Carolina streets and highways.

Big Rig Rollovers

Jackknife Truck Wrecks

Jackknife crashes happen when large trucks with hinged connections between the front and rear parts make incorrect turns or braking moves, causing the trailer to swing out widely and resemble a folding jackknife. This type of accident is extremely dangerous due to the unpredictable behavior of a sliding trailer, which can hit nearby vehicles and drag them along as the truck plows through traffic.

Jackknife Truck Wrecks

Head-On Truck Collisions

When truck operators drive recklessly, negligently, or simply lose control of their vehicles, they may veer out of their lane and into oncoming traffic. Head-on collisions can also occur at intersections, such as red lights or stop signs, when drivers fail to yield the right-of-way properly. There are many reasons why a truck might collide head-on with another vehicle. For instance, the truck driver could become fatigued after long hours of trying to meet demanding quotas and may drift into opposing lanes as they nod off. Regardless of the reason, victims of such accidents should always contact a truck accident attorney in Greensboro, NC, for guidance as they recover and seek compensation.

Head-On Truck

T-Bone Truck Accidents

T-bone accidents, also known as side-impact or broadside crashes, mostly happen at intersections. Big trucks going through intersections at right angles sometimes run red lights, ignore stop signs, or break the rules and end up crashing into the sides of other cars, making a “T” shape. These accidents can be especially traumatic for passengers who are sitting on the side of the car that the truck hits. Truck drivers who are speeding, not paying attention, tired, or drunk might run through intersections and cause T-bone accidents.

T-Bone Truck

What Types of Injuries Happen in North Carolina Trucking Accidents?

Auto accidents can happen to anyone, from locals commuting to their kid's soccer game to visitors traveling to the tourist attraction with the highest rating International Civil Rights Center Museum in Greensboro, NC. When a large commercial truck is involved, the chances of getting injured are higher than they would be in a normal accident. Typical injuries that victims sustain in trucking-related wrecks include:

  • Traumatic Brain Injuries
  • Spinal Cord Injuries
  • Hip Injuries
  • Leg Injuries
  • Foot Injuries
  • Arm Injuries
  • Internal Injuries
  • Chest Injuries
  • Permanent Disfigurement
  • Neck Injuries

If you or someone you love is the victim of one or more of the accidents described above, call Nagle & Associates today. You need a reliable, proactive lawyer to fight for your rights when it seems like nobody has your back. Remember, though – time is of the essence. The truck driver's insurance company will begin working immediately to build defenses and minimize your compensation. With no up front cost, you can retain us to begin working on your behalf today.  Also, acting quickly ensures that your rights are not forfeited. North Carolina applies a statute of limitations for personal injury suits against truck drivers. If you fail to file suit before the dealine passes, you lose all rights to compensation for your truck accident injury case.

Injuries Happen in North

How to Choose a Top Truck Accident Injury Attorneys in Greensboro, NC

If you're hurt from a truck accident, it makes sense that you'd want a capable, fearless lawyer by your side. But how are you supposed to know which law firms are worth your time?

Similarly, not every truck accident lawyer who graduates from law school is a top attorney. When you're in search of representation for a truck accident case, it's important to find an attorney with a specific combination of skills that are well-suited to effectively handle the intricacies of your case.

Specialized Knowledge

Specialized Knowledge

Truck accidents are quite different from regular car accidents, primarily because of the substantial size and weight of commercial trucks. These factors often lead to more serious injuries and damages. Moreover, truck accident cases can involve many different parties, such as the truck driver, the trucking company, the shippers who employed the trucking company, cargo handlers who load cargo, insurance companies, and possibly those who repair and maintain the truck or the manufacturers of defective truck parts. An experienced commercial vehicle crash lawyer will know how to identify all responsible parties and all applicable insurance policies. The laws and regulations governing commercial trucks are also more intricate, including complex Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations and all state statutes and traffic laws that govern commercial drivers. Federal regulations govern driver qualification, driver training, truck inspections, equipment and weight limitations, driver conduct, driver fatigue and hours-in-service regulations, and driver crash response requirements. All of these factors should be considered in every commercial vehicle accident case.

Deep Understanding of State and Federal Trucking Regulations

As noted above, truck accident cases involve application of a mix of federal and state regulations. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) establishes rules that trucking companies and drivers must adhere to, including limits on driving hours and required rest periods. North Carolina also has its own set of laws concerning commercial trucks. An attorney who is well-versed in both federal and state regulations will be better able to pinpoint any violations that might have contributed to the accident. This can be a critical factor in proving liability and obtaining compensation for your injuries. A legal case arising from a crash caused by a commercial vehicle driver is entirely different than a typical car accident case. The claims adjuster who considers what to pay you will know if your lawyer has the experience necessary to win your case in court.

Deep Understanding

Reliable Network of Professionals and Resources

Overseeing a truck accident case requires accessibility to unique resources. Your lawyer should have connections to a team of experts who can offer valuable insights and testimony, including accident reconstruction experts, doctors/surgeons and other medical professionals, and trucking industry insiders. Having these connections can assist in determining the cause of the accident and the severity of your injuries, which is crucial for constructing a solid case. Great truck accident lawyers – like those from Nagle & Associates – will also be capable of conducting thorough investigations, gathering evidence, and successfully challenging large trucking companies and their insurance carriers.

Negotiation Talent

Negotiation Talent

Truck accident cases are typically resolved through out-of-court settlements by negotiating with insurance companies. That's why it's absolutely crucial to choose an attorney with a proven track record in tough negotiations. A skilled truck accident attorney in Greensboro, NC, won't have any issue negotiating with stubborn insurance adjusters who want to minimize the compensation you need to recover. And if a fair settlement can't be reached, we stand ready to take your case to court and passionately enforce your rights in front of a judge and jury.

Compassionate Guidance

The aftermath of a truck accident can be extremely challenging and distressing. You need an attorney who not only has a strong grasp of the legal aspects of your case but also genuinely cares about your well-being. A dedicated attorney who is genuinely concerned about your recovery and future will work tirelessly to ensure that you receive the full and fair compensation you deserve. This includes compensation for:

  • Past & Future Medical Bills
  • Lost Wages & Future Lost Earning Capacity
  • Scarring, Disfigurement and Tax-Free Compensation for Pain and Suffering
  • Vehicle Damage
  • Other Types of Damages
Compassionate Guidance

Nagle & Associates: Holding Negligent Truck Drivers Responsible for Over 30 Years

When you want a quality meal in a stunning atmosphere, you don't go to your local fast-food joint. You chose a finer dining option like highest-rated fine dining Green Valley Grill in Greensboro, NC. When you need a fearless advocate to fight for your rights after a trucking accident, you don't settle for a poorly rated law firm. You choose Nagle & Associates.

By identifying the root cause of your tractor-trailer accident, our dedicated attorneys can build a compelling case to hold all responsible parties accountable and get you the compensation you deserve. Whether it involves proving negligence, demonstrating violations of safety regulations, or confronting the adjusters and lawyers who oppose your case, we leverage our extensive experience to advocate on your behalf and help you obtain the compensation you need to move forward with your life. We also charge 25% less than other truck accident lawyers – we co this because we can. We have been very successful handling serious injury cases, and we are able to charge a lower percentage fee for the clients who choose us.  Keep more of your money, and know that we will fight for every dollar you deserve. Please contact our law offices today to schedule your free consultation and take the first step toward recovery.

Case Review

Latest News in Greensboro, NC

Could Hurricane Milton hit North Carolina?


Milton is forecast to make landfall in central west Florida before moving offshore & away from landMore VideosGREENSBORO, N.C. — As of Monday, Milton has rapidly intensified into a upper-end Cat. 5 hurricane while moving east/northeast across the Gulf of Mexico. . There's an increasing risk of life-threatening storm surge and damaging winds for portions of the west coast of FL as early as Wednesday and Wednesday night.While there is still uncertainty in the track, here is the latest on how Milton could impact...

Milton is forecast to make landfall in central west Florida before moving offshore & away from land

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GREENSBORO, N.C. — As of Monday, Milton has rapidly intensified into a upper-end Cat. 5 hurricane while moving east/northeast across the Gulf of Mexico. . There's an increasing risk of life-threatening storm surge and damaging winds for portions of the west coast of FL as early as Wednesday and Wednesday night.

While there is still uncertainty in the track, here is the latest on how Milton could impact the Triad and North Carolina as a whole.

GOOD NEWS: The majority of models keep Milton well to the south even as it cross through the west coast of the Florida Peninsula. This is due to high pressure (clockwise rotation) building into the southeastern US through the end of next week. Winds will push Milton to our south and keep it progressing off the coast and away from the United States in the latest track. While this is subject to change slightly, it likely won't deviate much from the current path.

While there is still uncertainty in the track of Hurricane Milton, it is unlikely that western and central portions of North Carolina will receive impacts from the storm. Milton will stay much too far to our south for the majority of our state to feel any impacts. We will stay mostly dry through the next 7 days.

Credit: WFMY

Hurricane Milton's track will take it offshore of the southeastern U.S., but it is possible the Carolina beaches could get some wind and a little rain from outer bands of the storm. However, the greater threat would be erosion from heavy surf and dangerous rip currents through next weekend.

Here's a current map of projected rainfall from Milton. A very small amount of rain could reach southeastern NC with rainfall amounts up to a tenth of an inch or so.

It is also possible that some gusty winds could reach the NC coastline, but the majority of winds (especially tropical storm or hurricane force) will stay to our south as Milton passes through Florida.

In the wake of Helene and the unnamed storm a few weeks ago, there are several parts of NC in need of time to rebuild and regrow. Fortunately, Milton will most likely not be a threat to much of NC at all. At best, the coastline could see a few isolated showers and winds from outermost bands. If the current track changes, please trust that your WFMY News 2 Weather Team will keep you updated with the latest information. Stay tuned.

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Fallen firefighters honored with memorial service from Greensboro Fire Department


Community members, firefighters' families, and city council members were in attendance at the service.More VideosGREENSBORO, N.C. — The Greensboro Fire Department held a memorial service on Saturday, Oct. 5 to honor fallen firefighters throughout their history.Not only were Greensboro firefighters in attendance, but so were community members, firefighters' families, and city council members.Dave Coker, the captain ...

Community members, firefighters' families, and city council members were in attendance at the service.

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GREENSBORO, N.C. — The Greensboro Fire Department held a memorial service on Saturday, Oct. 5 to honor fallen firefighters throughout their history.

Not only were Greensboro firefighters in attendance, but so were community members, firefighters' families, and city council members.

Dave Coker, the captain of the Greensboro Fire Department, said it means a lot to honor those who've lost their lives.

"The commitment to do this job, whether it was 30 years ago or last year. Um it, it takes a toll and uh the, the number of fires that, that, that these, these men fought the number of medical emergencies they responded to. We really can't calculate the force for good they were in the city of Greensboro,” Coker said.

He also briefly talked about the 20 personnel from Greensboro deployed in western North Carolina, saying he couldn't be more proud of them.

"To know that um we have those personnel in the western part of the state uh rescuing uh citizens up there. It's a big deal. It, it means a lot,” Coker said.

He said the people deployed have done tremendous acts of bravery -- and that he's inspired by the people he works with.


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Greensboro pilots fly thousands of pounds of supplies to western NC


Two Greensboro pilots alongside the Petty Family Foundation are doing their part to help relief efforts after Helene.GREENSBORO, N.C. — All across the state, we've seen hurricane relief show up in all forms of transportation; from semi-trucks to helicopters.One week after Helene hit western North Carolina, th...

Two Greensboro pilots alongside the Petty Family Foundation are doing their part to help relief efforts after Helene.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — All across the state, we've seen hurricane relief show up in all forms of transportation; from semi-trucks to helicopters.

One week after Helene hit western North Carolina, there's a homegrown relief effort coming from Greensboro, WFMY News 2's Nixon Norman saw it in action.

Air drops have become the norm in western North Carolina, two young pilots who fly out of Greensboro wanted to pitch in, with the help of the Petty Family Foundation, they've sent thousands of pounds of donations out west.

Pilots flying out of Greensboro could have never imagined what they would see in western North Carolina, "some of my seasoned pilots that have seen actual combat, they're basically saying that sometimes… it's worse… it's like a war zone right now," Aaron Elder said.

Dozens of pilots have stopped by PTI Airport picking up anywhere from 600 to 2,000 pounds per flight. From water bottles to diapers, food and cleaning supplies, pilots based in the Triad and beyond, as well as the Petty Family Foundation, have been rallying together in support of western North Carolina.

"We had people coming with no shoes on, we had people saying that they need food, they need water, they have not received anything for days," Elder said.

Elder is one of two Greensboro pilots who came up with the idea. He and fellow Greensboro pilot Rylee Gaus said they couldn't just stand by.

"This is so unprecedented in our history for sure, especially something to this scale. No one was prepared," Gaus said.

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Gaus said when storm videos started hitting social media on Friday, she couldn't stop crying.

"I love being able to have a skill that I can use to help people in a way that I normally couldn't help people," Gaus said.

The Petty Family Foundation has been able to use name recognition to increase donations and assistance.

"Richard petty. I mean, Richard Petty, that's one of the things when you think of North Carolina, you think of NASCAR, you can't not think of the king!" Director of Petty Family Foundation, Shannon Newman said.

Even though these young pilots are just starting out in their aviation careers, they say they've connected with pilots in the area like never before.

"Moving here without any type of connection, any family or friends, this is honestly helped get us acquainted into this vast, generous network of pilots," Elder said.

The group will continue taking donations at PTI Airport Saturday, October 4, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at 1060 PTI Drive.

They're also in need of volunteers to look through donations, and boxes to send those donations in.

RELATED: Helene supplies & donations: Rumors claim the Red Cross & FEMA are confiscating them, but it's not true.

October 4th Friday Football Fever Scores & Highlights


Eastern Randolph vs. SW Randolph is our GTCC Game of the WeekMore VideosIt's Week 7 of the high school football season here in North Carolina, and there are dozens of area teams in action tonight. We'll have all the scores and highlights right here. Keep checking back for updates!You can show your school pride by subscribing to our YouTube channel and watching all the Triad high school football highlig...

Eastern Randolph vs. SW Randolph is our GTCC Game of the Week

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It's Week 7 of the high school football season here in North Carolina, and there are dozens of area teams in action tonight. We'll have all the scores and highlights right here. Keep checking back for updates!

You can show your school pride by subscribing to our YouTube channel and watching all the Triad high school football highlights in our Friday Football Fever playlist.

Week 7 High School Football Games Featuring Triad High Schools

Eastern Randolph 49 SW Randolph 0 (F)

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West Forsyth 40 Glenn 0 (F)

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NW Guilford 45 Page 12 (F)

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West Wilkes vs. Surry Central (7 pm) (A final score has not yet been reported for this game.)

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Feds might use Greensboro immigrant facility to house displaced Helene survivors, Rep. Kathy Manning says

Celeste Smith

GREENSBORO, N.C. (WGHP) — A major development could be on the horizon for the currently vacant former American Hebrew Academy in Greensboro.U.S. Rep. Kathy Manning (D-Greensboro) came to the FOX8 Studios on Friday and disclosed that the unused Greensboro Influx Care Facility could be used for victims of Hurricane Helene in western North Carolina.“The federal government has a contract to use that influx care center,” Manning said. “It was a former boarding school, and it was to be used for unaccompanied m...

GREENSBORO, N.C. (WGHP) — A major development could be on the horizon for the currently vacant former American Hebrew Academy in Greensboro.

U.S. Rep. Kathy Manning (D-Greensboro) came to the FOX8 Studios on Friday and disclosed that the unused Greensboro Influx Care Facility could be used for victims of Hurricane Helene in western North Carolina.

“The federal government has a contract to use that influx care center,” Manning said. “It was a former boarding school, and it was to be used for unaccompanied minors, but thanks to the Biden administration’s new border policy, there’s been a drop in the number of unaccompanied minors coming here. That facility has not been used and it’s sitting and available, but it’s going to a variety of steps to make sure the facility can be used for people whose lives have been turned upside down, whose homes are no longer habitable because of Hurricane Helene.”

Manning says the federal government is currently reviewing its contract for that property to verify if the facility could be repurposed for storm victims or to see if that contract could be modified.

Other issues that still need to be figured out include determining who would bear the cost of running the facility and working with the Home Owner’s Association for the surrounding neighborhood.

Manning described the process as being “underway,” and the Department of Health and Human Services has been working on this “for several days now.”

The DHHS provided the following statement, “HHS will do all that we can to help support families impacted by Hurricane Helene. We are working closely with state and local health authorities, as well as with our partners across the federal government, to provide public health and medical support. We are currently working with officials to provide additional resources, within our legal authority. HHS will continue to use every lever we can to help families impacted.”

There was a bit of pushback in the past from residents when the facility was supposed to be used as a transitional facility for migrant children.

Many residents shared on and off camera that they think the unused facility would be great for housing western North Carolinians in need.

“Everybody’s always worried about the community and who’s coming into the community … A situation like this, I think people are extremely understanding and aware … It would probably be something more than just a housing option for the community. I think this area would chip in and do other stuff as well to make sure they fit in and felt comfortable,” said Fred Lewis, a resident.

Greensboro Mayor Nancy Vaughan said she’s on board.

“We don’t really have a role in this except that we came up with the idea of let’s use it as a storm center … The government is really involved or the federal government working with their subcontractor and things like that. As far as what I think the City of Greensboro would do for these individuals, I think they would see an outpouring of support like they’ve never seen before,” Vaughan said.

Other city leaders are also on board.

“I think she is exactly right in exploring the opportunity for the Greensboro area to try to assist our fellow North Carolinians in need,” Greensboro City Councilmember At-Large Hugh Holston said.

If families were to stay there, the kids would need access to education.

Guilford County Schools says it would assist if families want to enroll their students. They have already started to share information with principals about the process. Typical paperwork needed for enrollment won’t be required.


In June 2022, plans became official to transform the former American Hebrew Academy property, which closed in 2019, into a transitional facility for immigrant children under the management of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

The site, now known as Greensboro Influx Care Facility, was planned to house unaccompanied immigrant children temporarily — about two or three weeks — while family members and sponsors were located. The facility was intended for children ages 13 through 17 and has a capacity of up to 800 beds.

The Greensboro ICF was designated operational starting March 15 but had its operational status changed on June 28 when the DHHS announced that operations were being “ramped down.” No children have been housed in the facility at any point, and the June status change led to a decrease in staffing.

“It will continue to have no children in care but must be ready to resume operations and accept children eight weeks after being notified by ORR,” HHS wrote in the document.

Mayor Nancy Vaughan shared more clarifying comments on Facebook, writing “Leadership for the Office of Refugee Resettlement with oversight for the Logistics at the Greensboro Children’s Center shared that as of Sunday, June 23, 2024, the facility ramped down its operations to ‘facility upkeep.’ This means the amount of people on site keeping the facility in a ready state will ebb and flow, but generally there will be fewer people. While the site will continue to have no children in care, it must be ready to accept children for care eight weeks after being notified by ORR of a need for capacity. We will continue to keep a pulse on operations and share anything of significance.”

The property on Hobbs Road is 100 gated acres that include 31 buildings of 412,712 square feet, an $18 million athletic center and natatorium, a variety of athletic fields and a 22-acre lake.


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