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Call Nagle & Associates to Get the Money You Deserve After a Truck Accident
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Former Insurance AdjusterOver $400,000,000 in Truck Accident

Truck Accident Injury Attorneys in Durham, NC

Our boutique injury law firm only handles roadway crash cases, with particular focus on collision cases involving tractor-trailers and commercial trucks. Crashes involving large trucks often result in serious or catastrophic injuries. Carl Nagle is a former insurance adjuster, with experience handling trucking claims for a large, national insurance carrier. He also worked as an insurance defense lawyer in Atlanta before moving to North Carolina. During those years, he was retained by trucking insurance companies to defend careless truck drivers. He knows exactly how truck insurance adjusters and insurance defense lawyers work to avoid or minimize valid injury claims.

We are North Carolina's only pure motor vehicle accident injury law firm. We only handle roadway accident cases, and refuse to handle any other legal matter. This focus and experience helps us maximize the money we collect in every case. We have collected over $700 million for NC crash victims, and we have handled many multi-million dollar truck and commercial vehicle accident cases. We also offer a reduced legal fee of 25% for settlements (and most cases settle), and 33% for litigation and trial. With our firm, you keep a larger share of the money we collect when your case closes. We also make the legal process easy for you – once we are involved, you work with doctors to restore your health and we take care of everything else.

Truck Crash Cases

Things To Know About Truck Crash Cases

More often than not, commercial truck drivers operate their vehicles with care and concern for other motorists. However, due to the large number of trucks and delivery vehicles that share our roadways, commercial truck accidents are quite common throughout NC.

According to research from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, the number of truck and bus crashes in the State of North Carolina has hovered between 7,250 to 7,500. Commercial vehicle and truck accidents cause more than 2,500 injuries in The Tar Heel State every year. With large interstate corridors including Interstate 95 along the Eastern Seaboard, Interstate 85 and Interstate 40 running from Wilmington, NC all the way to Santa Monica, CA, it's no wonder that North Carolina sees thousands of truck accidents on a yearly basis.

If you or a family member has been injured in a collision involving a truck, bus, or another commercial vehicle on a North Carolina road, you might be eligible for substantial compensation. Commercial drivers are typically covered by large insurance policies.  However, with large amounts of money involved, these insurers employ the best, highest-paid adjsuters who work to minimize your injury claims and settlement money.The experienced team at Nagle & Associates is prepared to assist you in pursuing justice and securing a generous settlement that provides the necessary funds for your recovery and to support your loved ones.

Meet the Truck Accident Injury Attorneys in Durham, NC, Focused Only on Auto Accidents

Trucking accidents in North Carolina are almost never “black and white.” They often involve application of all North Carolina traffic laws alongside a body of complex federal regulations. Victims must be prepared to offer evidence to prove all violations of state laws and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations that govern truck drivers and other commercial vehicle operators. That's why it's so crucial to have legal representation from a lawyer with substantial experience in commercial vehicle accident cases. An aggressive, experienced truck accident lawyer has your best interests at heart and can help you avoid common pitfalls after your truck wreck happens.

And make no mistake, wrecks involving trucks can happen in the blink of an eye. You chose a finer dining option like highest-rated fine dining Counting House in Durham, NC. Before you can get to your exit, a fatigued tractor-trailer driver crashes into your car and changes your life forever. It sounds hyperbolic, but these traumatic accidents do happen, and usually when you least expect them to.

In the event of a crash caused by a tractor-trailer driver or any other commercial vehicle operator, it's important NOT to collaborate with the driver's legal team or trust insurance adjusters who are working against your interests. Former claims adjuster Carl Nagle warns you to “remember that the insurance adjuster is being paid to oppose your claims, and you should not cooperate with their effort to avoid or minimize your injury claim payments”. Instead, seek representation from a seasoned North Carolina truck accident attorney who has a proven track record of success.

We represent victims, just like you, who have been injured by commercial trucks, including:

  • 18-Wheelers
  • Dump Trucks
  • Tanker Trucks
  • Refrigerator Trucks
  • Freightliners
  • Cargo Trucks
  • Package Delivery Trucks
  • Box Trucks
  • Flatbed Trucks
  • Tow Trucks
  • More

Have you been in a recent accident, and you're trying to figure out what to do next? Are you unsure whether you've been hit by a commercial vehicle or some other type of automobile? Contact Nagle & Associates today. During your free consultation, we'll help answer your questions and provide clarity during this admittedly confusing time.

Associates Difference

What Our Clients Say

The Nagle & Associates Difference

Nagle & Associates is a law firm that focuses exclusively in roadway accident cases. Carl Nagle and our legal team have collected millions of dollars in tax-free compensation for NC truck accident victims. With extensive experience in handling these intricate, high-value cases, we know how to motivate the claims adjuster to offer the highest settlement in every case.  And if the adjuster refuses to offer fair compensation, we will take your case to trial before a jury of your neighbors in the Superior Court of ---------------county in Durham, NC-------. Here are just a few ways that our NC truck accident law firm differentiates itself from others and helps you obtain maximum compensation when your case concludes.

Accident Victims

Nagle & Associates isn't like other truck accident law firms, and that's by design. We don't advertise on the radio, over the phone, or on billboards. Instead, we focus those resources on benefitting our clients by providing caring yet highly effective legal services for every truck accident victim we represent. We also have a better fee structure than most other law firms focusing on commercial vehicle crashes.

Our lawyers operate on a contingency fee basis, meaning we don't get paid until the case is settled or your trial is complete. We are paid only IF AND WHEN you are paid. Most cases settle without the need for lawsuit filings or court involvement. This fee structure motivates us to push hard to collect the highest possible value for your injury claims. The more we collect for you, the higher the fee. Our goal is to increase the amount we collect for you so that you end up with far more money in hand when the case closes, even after the legal fee is deducted. The contingency fee is win/win for the lawyer and client. We handle everything and work to pay our own fee AND improve what you collect.

Whether your case is settled, or we go to court, you can also rely on a lower fee overall. Most personal injury law firms charge 1/3 of the settlement (33.3%) and 40-44% of any amount collected after a suit is filed. Our firm charges 1/4 of the settlement (25%) and 1/3 (33.3%) of any amount collected after a suit is filed. We only file suit in cases where the insurer refuses fair payment, knowing that litigation will increase the amount of money our client receives.

insurance adjuster

Carl has extensive experience in the insurance industry, having worked as an insurance adjuster and insurance defense lawyer in Atlanta, Georgia. He worked for several large commercial insurance carriers, and was paid to defend truck drivers, trucking companies, business owners, and their insurance carriers. Carl built on that experience and, for the last 30 years, has been a truck accident attorney in Durham, NC, dedicated to accident victims and their families. He focuses on serious injury cases arising from roadway accidents. As a niche practice with a particular focus on trucking accident cases, Carl and his team know exactly how to gain full control of your legal case and collect the highest possible payment for your truck accident claims.

pay injury claims

Trucking companies and businesses employing professional drivers carry high-limit liability insurance, often with a million dollars or more to pay injury claims. Federal law requires high coverage. Many truckers and trucking companies carry large, multi-million dollar excess policies that pay additional money to truck crash victims. They do so because injuries arising from commercial truck crashes are often far more severe than other type of auto injuries. Tractor trailers, dump trucks, cement mixers, and cargo trucks weigh 10-20 times more than typical cars, which increases the risk of severe, permanent injuries. It's not uncommon for truck accident victims to spend days, weeks, or months as they recover in Carolina Reserve of Durham in Durham, NC.

Due to the serious nature of injuries in these crashes and the substantial insurance policies involved, commercial insurance companies hire skilled and experienced adjusters to handle truck accident injury claims. These adjusters are highly trained and receive higher compensation than other adjusters in the insurance industry. Their sole objective is to avoid or minimize valid claims. As your local ------Durham--- area truck accident lawyer, we take control of the adjuster and all insurance company communications so you don't get duped into admitting partial fault (which ends your case leaving you with zero compensation) or accepting a lowball offer.

However, if you do speak to an adjuster after your truck crash, remember that they'll be amicable and try to gain your trust while making every effort to settle for as little as possible. Never take legal advice from an insurance claims adjuster whose only job is to oppose your claim – no matter how nice and trustworthy they may seem. Diplomacy is their key to earning y our faith, so they can guide you into an unfair, irreversible settlement.

What are the Most Frequent Types of Trucking Accidents in North Carolina?

Even though heavy commercial trucks account for less than 5% of all registered vehicles nationwide, the FMCSA reports that over 13% of all fatal crashes on U.S. roads involved at least one large commercial truck or bus. Recent data published by the FMCSA indicates that there were over 273 million registered vehicles in the United States, including more than 13 million large commercial trucks like 18-wheelers. Of the people killed in commercial truck crashes, over 7 in 10 were occupants in other vehicles. While we rely on these multi-ton transporters to keep modern society moving, it's obvious that they can be very dangerous.

Keep reading to learn more about some of the most frequent tractor-trailer accidents we see at Nagle & Associates and why they happen.

Rear-End Truck Collisions

The size difference between commercial trucks and regular commuter cars is so massive that standard cars are often crushed in trucking accidents. That holds true for rear-end collisions. Unfortunately, because 18-wheelers take so much more time to slow down and come to a safe stop, truck drivers who are distracted or are speeding are often responsible for horrific injuries.

Rear-End Truck

Big Rig Rollovers

A truck rollover accident is one of the most devastating and frightening crashes that can occur. Unlike standard passenger cars, tractor-trailers and other large commercial trucks have a much higher center of gravity. That's why experienced truck drivers have to navigate tight turns and sudden swerves with extreme caution. If drivers attempt sudden turns or drive too fast for the conditions around them, the truck and trailer can flip over, causing the entire truck to roll onto its side. This creates a perilous and potentially fatal situation for everyone on the road. For example, an overloaded trailer leaving Bennett Place in Durham, NC, may sway side-to-side as it takes a turn, and roll over onto a driver in the next lane. While this seems unlikely, rollover crashes occur frequently on North Carolina streets and highways.

Big Rig Rollovers

Jackknife Truck Wrecks

Jackknife crashes happen when large trucks with hinged connections between the front and rear parts make incorrect turns or braking moves, causing the trailer to swing out widely and resemble a folding jackknife. This type of accident is extremely dangerous due to the unpredictable behavior of a sliding trailer, which can hit nearby vehicles and drag them along as the truck plows through traffic.

Jackknife Truck Wrecks

Head-On Truck Collisions

When truck operators drive recklessly, negligently, or simply lose control of their vehicles, they may veer out of their lane and into oncoming traffic. Head-on collisions can also occur at intersections, such as red lights or stop signs, when drivers fail to yield the right-of-way properly. There are many reasons why a truck might collide head-on with another vehicle. For instance, the truck driver could become fatigued after long hours of trying to meet demanding quotas and may drift into opposing lanes as they nod off. Regardless of the reason, victims of such accidents should always contact a truck accident attorney in Durham, NC, for guidance as they recover and seek compensation.

Head-On Truck

T-Bone Truck Accidents

T-bone accidents, also known as side-impact or broadside crashes, mostly happen at intersections. Big trucks going through intersections at right angles sometimes run red lights, ignore stop signs, or break the rules and end up crashing into the sides of other cars, making a “T” shape. These accidents can be especially traumatic for passengers who are sitting on the side of the car that the truck hits. Truck drivers who are speeding, not paying attention, tired, or drunk might run through intersections and cause T-bone accidents.

T-Bone Truck

What Types of Injuries Happen in North Carolina Trucking Accidents?

Auto accidents can happen to anyone, from locals commuting to their kid's soccer game to visitors traveling to the tourist attraction with the highest rating Duke Homestead in Durham, NC. When a large commercial truck is involved, the chances of getting injured are higher than they would be in a normal accident. Typical injuries that victims sustain in trucking-related wrecks include:

  • Traumatic Brain Injuries
  • Spinal Cord Injuries
  • Hip Injuries
  • Leg Injuries
  • Foot Injuries
  • Arm Injuries
  • Internal Injuries
  • Chest Injuries
  • Permanent Disfigurement
  • Neck Injuries

If you or someone you love is the victim of one or more of the accidents described above, call Nagle & Associates today. You need a reliable, proactive lawyer to fight for your rights when it seems like nobody has your back. Remember, though – time is of the essence. The truck driver's insurance company will begin working immediately to build defenses and minimize your compensation. With no up front cost, you can retain us to begin working on your behalf today.  Also, acting quickly ensures that your rights are not forfeited. North Carolina applies a statute of limitations for personal injury suits against truck drivers. If you fail to file suit before the dealine passes, you lose all rights to compensation for your truck accident injury case.

Injuries Happen in North

How to Choose a Top Truck Accident Injury Attorneys in Durham, NC

If you're hurt from a truck accident, it makes sense that you'd want a capable, fearless lawyer by your side. But how are you supposed to know which law firms are worth your time?

Similarly, not every truck accident lawyer who graduates from law school is a top attorney. When you're in search of representation for a truck accident case, it's important to find an attorney with a specific combination of skills that are well-suited to effectively handle the intricacies of your case.

Specialized Knowledge

Specialized Knowledge

Truck accidents are quite different from regular car accidents, primarily because of the substantial size and weight of commercial trucks. These factors often lead to more serious injuries and damages. Moreover, truck accident cases can involve many different parties, such as the truck driver, the trucking company, the shippers who employed the trucking company, cargo handlers who load cargo, insurance companies, and possibly those who repair and maintain the truck or the manufacturers of defective truck parts. An experienced commercial vehicle crash lawyer will know how to identify all responsible parties and all applicable insurance policies. The laws and regulations governing commercial trucks are also more intricate, including complex Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations and all state statutes and traffic laws that govern commercial drivers. Federal regulations govern driver qualification, driver training, truck inspections, equipment and weight limitations, driver conduct, driver fatigue and hours-in-service regulations, and driver crash response requirements. All of these factors should be considered in every commercial vehicle accident case.

Deep Understanding of State and Federal Trucking Regulations

As noted above, truck accident cases involve application of a mix of federal and state regulations. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) establishes rules that trucking companies and drivers must adhere to, including limits on driving hours and required rest periods. North Carolina also has its own set of laws concerning commercial trucks. An attorney who is well-versed in both federal and state regulations will be better able to pinpoint any violations that might have contributed to the accident. This can be a critical factor in proving liability and obtaining compensation for your injuries. A legal case arising from a crash caused by a commercial vehicle driver is entirely different than a typical car accident case. The claims adjuster who considers what to pay you will know if your lawyer has the experience necessary to win your case in court.

Deep Understanding

Reliable Network of Professionals and Resources

Overseeing a truck accident case requires accessibility to unique resources. Your lawyer should have connections to a team of experts who can offer valuable insights and testimony, including accident reconstruction experts, doctors/surgeons and other medical professionals, and trucking industry insiders. Having these connections can assist in determining the cause of the accident and the severity of your injuries, which is crucial for constructing a solid case. Great truck accident lawyers – like those from Nagle & Associates – will also be capable of conducting thorough investigations, gathering evidence, and successfully challenging large trucking companies and their insurance carriers.

Negotiation Talent

Negotiation Talent

Truck accident cases are typically resolved through out-of-court settlements by negotiating with insurance companies. That's why it's absolutely crucial to choose an attorney with a proven track record in tough negotiations. A skilled truck accident attorney in Durham, NC, won't have any issue negotiating with stubborn insurance adjusters who want to minimize the compensation you need to recover. And if a fair settlement can't be reached, we stand ready to take your case to court and passionately enforce your rights in front of a judge and jury.

Compassionate Guidance

The aftermath of a truck accident can be extremely challenging and distressing. You need an attorney who not only has a strong grasp of the legal aspects of your case but also genuinely cares about your well-being. A dedicated attorney who is genuinely concerned about your recovery and future will work tirelessly to ensure that you receive the full and fair compensation you deserve. This includes compensation for:

  • Past & Future Medical Bills
  • Lost Wages & Future Lost Earning Capacity
  • Scarring, Disfigurement and Tax-Free Compensation for Pain and Suffering
  • Vehicle Damage
  • Other Types of Damages
Compassionate Guidance

Nagle & Associates: Holding Negligent Truck Drivers Responsible for Over 30 Years

When you want a quality meal in a stunning atmosphere, you don't go to your local fast-food joint. You chose a finer dining option like highest-rated fine dining Counting House in Durham, NC. When you need a fearless advocate to fight for your rights after a trucking accident, you don't settle for a poorly rated law firm. You choose Nagle & Associates.

By identifying the root cause of your tractor-trailer accident, our dedicated attorneys can build a compelling case to hold all responsible parties accountable and get you the compensation you deserve. Whether it involves proving negligence, demonstrating violations of safety regulations, or confronting the adjusters and lawyers who oppose your case, we leverage our extensive experience to advocate on your behalf and help you obtain the compensation you need to move forward with your life. We also charge 25% less than other truck accident lawyers – we co this because we can. We have been very successful handling serious injury cases, and we are able to charge a lower percentage fee for the clients who choose us.  Keep more of your money, and know that we will fight for every dollar you deserve. Please contact our law offices today to schedule your free consultation and take the first step toward recovery.

Case Review

Latest News in Durham, NC

‘It’s our community’: Durham shelter, volunteers send out over 150,000 pounds of Helene relief supplies

Ben Bokun

DURHAM, N.C. (WNCN) — One by one, box trucks and even a semi headed out of Durham on Thursday, providing relief to Buncombe and Avery counties.Maureen Frazer-Monroe volunteered to pack up some of the supplies being sent to those hit hardest by Hurricane Helene.“It’s our community,” she said. “I mean, North Carolina ...

DURHAM, N.C. (WNCN) — One by one, box trucks and even a semi headed out of Durham on Thursday, providing relief to Buncombe and Avery counties.

Maureen Frazer-Monroe volunteered to pack up some of the supplies being sent to those hit hardest by Hurricane Helene.

“It’s our community,” she said. “I mean, North Carolina is hurting so badly right now and we still don’t know the depths of it.”

Some of the items that are getting sent over to the mountains include the essentials, such as jugs of water, diapers and snacks for those in need.

“We are doing a little bit everywhere in hopes that it’ll make enough of an impact,” volunteer Letitia Powell said.

It’s all part of an effort organized by the Durham Rescue Mission, collecting donations from across the Triangle over the last week.

So far, they’ve sent out over 150,000 pounds of supplies in the wake of Helene.

“It’s meant the world to me to be able to see all this stuff happening, because we are not a relief agency … we’re a homeless shelter,” Durham Rescue Mission Director of Development Adam Todd said. “That is our primary goal.”

The mission also sent a cook team to serve about 600 pounds of fresh food.

“I don’t know how many people are there, but they’re just wiped out and there’s nothing to eat,” Durham Rescue Mission President and CEO Rob Tart said. “The rescue workers need to eat, too.”

Organizers plan to deliver to Ashe County this week.

“It just makes me incredibly grateful to be where we are, to be able to give what we can and sad at the same time,” Frazer-Monroe said.

From hygiene products to canned food to first aid, the rescue mission is still accepting donations.

Durham company works to bring cell service to western NC after Helene

Monica Casey

Operation connect Carolina working to bring back cell service in western NCA Durham-based mobile network company is working to support people without cellular service in western North Carolina.Celestic, which aims to provide communications infrastructure in disaster situations, launched Operation Connect Carolina to bring mobile hubsto hard-to-reach areas of our state impacted by Hurricane Helene.Helene dumped heavy rain across western North Carolina on ...

Operation connect Carolina working to bring back cell service in western NC

A Durham-based mobile network company is working to support people without cellular service in western North Carolina.

Celestic, which aims to provide communications infrastructure in disaster situations, launched Operation Connect Carolina to bring mobile hubsto hard-to-reach areas of our state impacted by Hurricane Helene.

Helene dumped heavy rain across western North Carolina on Thursday and Friday, leading to landslides, flooding and wind damage in the mountains. Much of the region is without power or cell service, leaving loved ones unable to check on missing family members.

People in western North Carolina need food, water, medicine and other essentials, but aid groups need to be able to find them to help them.

That's where Operation Connect Carolina, headquartered in Durham's American Underground, comes in.

"I really hope we can save lives," Aaron Huslage, Celestic's CEO, said. "People that would normally help in a situation like this are having a really hard time with logistics, even just getting the things they need, asking the questions to get the responses they need."

According to Huslage, Celestic has partnered with local non-profits to make sure the needs of people impacted by Helene are being met, including through connectivity, partnering for deployments and fundraising.

Huslage is working to deploy portable cell phone towers and Wi-Fi powered by Starlink and other companies to get high-speed internet to impacted areas.

"A lot of the infrastructure just disappeared over the course of the storm, and that's going to take a long time to get back," Hulsage said. "We see hospitals, we see fire stations, we see libraries, we see community organizations disconnected. People that would normally help in a situation like this are having a really hard time with logistics."

In storms, people who need help and people who provide aid both rely on technology to connect.

"Connectivity is not an optional thing anymore," Huslage said. "We need food, we need water, we need shelter and we need to be connected to one another."

Help North Carolina rebuild: WRAL's Hurricane Helene recovery fund raises $795k+

"Connectivity has woven itself into our everyday lives," added Brandon Hoe, a volunteer with Operation Connect Carolina. "It's an essential part of our lives. Without connectivity, so many things can't happen."

In 2018, Jil Christensen founded Day One Relief, which connects LBGTQIA+ and marginalized communities with lifesaving resources during disasters. Day One Relief is working with Operation Connect Carolina to respond to Helene, and Christensen said time is of the essence.

"Everyone up in the mountains right now has a ticking time clock, and the resources need to get there," Christensen said. "I believe in this project. Every minute after a storm for the first couple weeks is how you save lives, so when it comes to connectivity, it's time."

Aside from aid, founders say the human connection this technology would allow is vital.

Huslage founded Celestic in December 2023 after working on various relief projects around the world. He told WRAL News he assisted with Hurricane Katrina relief, building a wireless network from Mississippi to the Louisiana border.

"I started a company here in North Carolina to work on exactly this problem, and it happened here, which is surreal," Huslage said. "It's really difficult to see those people suffering in such a profound way in our backyard."

WRAL News has a guide to how to help our western neighbors.

By calling 211 or visiting, families and individuals can obtain free and confidential information on health and human services and resources in their community. People trying to connect with family members can call NC 211 or 1-888-892-1162 if calling from out-of-state. People can also call those numbers to report missing loved ones.

More On This

Helene heads north of the Triangle, leaving flooding, fallen trees and damage in her wake

Renee Umsted

READ MOREHurricane Helene swept across the Southeast, causing major flooding and destruction throughout North Carolina. The News & Observer and the Charlotte Observer have a collection of stories about Hurricane Helene and the damage it left, particularly in Western North Carolina.Expand AllAs Helene made her slog through North Carolina, she brought heavy rains and gusty winds to the state, leaving behind flash flooding, two tornadoes and at least two deaths.The storm’s eye made landfall in Florid...


Hurricane Helene swept across the Southeast, causing major flooding and destruction throughout North Carolina. The News & Observer and the Charlotte Observer have a collection of stories about Hurricane Helene and the damage it left, particularly in Western North Carolina.

Expand All

As Helene made her slog through North Carolina, she brought heavy rains and gusty winds to the state, leaving behind flash flooding, two tornadoes and at least two deaths.

The storm’s eye made landfall in Florida’s Big Bend around 11:10 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 26, as a Category 4 hurricane, with maximum sustained winds of 140 mph, according to the National Hurricane Center.

By 5 a.m. Sept. 27, Helene had been downgraded to a tropical storm, according to the NHC. Maximum sustained winds had decreased to around 70 mph, and the center of the storm was expected to move over central and northeastern Georgia before turning northwestward and slow down over the Tennessee Valley.

The NHC predicted “catastrophic and life-threatening flash and urban flooding, including numerous landslides” across parts of the southern Appalachians and “damaging wind gusts” over parts of Georgia and the Carolinas on Sept. 27.

But damage wasn’t limited to the mountains. At least 15 people were injured, four seriously, in Nash County when a tornado hit the Eastern North Carolina city of Rocky Mount.

By the time Helene crawled out of the state, it had become a tropical depression and then a post-tropical cyclone.

President Joe Biden approved an emergency declaration for North Carolina on Sept. 26, which allows the Federal Emergency Management Agency to help fund emergency protective measures in much of western North Carolina, including evacuations and emergency shelters, The News & Observer previously reported.

The National Weather Service’s office in Greenville, South Carolina, called Helene “one of the most significant weather events to happen in the western portions of the area in the modern era” in a Sept. 26 social media post.

Helene was predicted to bring heavy rain to western North Carolina, increasing the risk of landslides.

Flash flood warnings were issued across western North Carolina — including in Asheville, Hickory and Charlotte — the morning of Sept. 27.

Mandatory evacuation orders were issued for parts of Mecklenburg, Transylvania and McDowell counties.

Severe weather had moved out of the Triangle by Friday afternoon.

A band of showers and thunderstorms with heavy rain moved across the Triangle through the morning.

1110 am: BREAKING - Orange, Wake, and Durham Counties - Greatest risk of heavy rain, wind gusts in excess of 50 mph, and isolated tornadoes will spread across the area over the next 90 minutes. Please find a safe place.

— NWS Raleigh (@NWSRaleigh) September 27, 2024

Sustained wind speeds of 15-25 mph were expected, with gusts of 35-45 mph, throughout the morning and early afternoon Sept. 27.

The most life-threatening risks were flash flooding and tornadoes, the meteorologist said, encouraging people to have a way to quickly receive alerts about weather hazards as they arise.

Read Next

Wake County

July 21, 2023 3:58 PM

Duke Energy customers may report and track outages on the provider’s website. More than 215,000 Duke Energy customers in North Carolina were without power around 7 a.m. Sept. 27.

Check where tornado, flood and other severe weather watches and warnings have been issued here.

Gov. Roy Cooper said during a morning briefing Sept. 27 that there are an estimated 879,000 power outages across the state and that there have already been more than 100 swift water rescues.

”This is one of the worst storms in modern history for parts of Western North Carolina. The end of the rain is not the end of the threat,” Cooper said.

As N.C. Emergency Management Director Will Ray gave a Sept. 27 morning update on Helene, a harsh tone sounded from cell phones throughout the room, warning of a flash flood warning in the immediate area until 3 p.m.

”With such significant rainfall, water levels and flooding in the Western North Carolina mountains can rapidly change and cause a substantial threat to life. Many counties in Western North Carolina have ordered evacuations to save lives,” Ray said.

Cooper also emphasized that Western North Carolinians should stay at home instead of driving through stormy conditions on roadways that could be susceptible to flooding.

”People in Western North Carolina should consider all roads closed unless you’re seeking higher ground,” Cooper said.

Statewide, there were more than 290 road closures the morning of Sept. 27, many in the western part of the state but some lingering in the Southeastern corner from last week’s unnamed storm that brought heavy rains to the region.

All public schools in the Triangle were closed to students and staff Sept. 27. These include:

Wake Tech and Durham Tech also closed their campuses.

Helene created problems for travelers out of RDU Airport on Sept. 27. Flights to Charlotte scheduled to leave RDU before noon were canceled, and some afternoon flights are delayed. More than 1,000 flights at Charlotte’s airport have been disrupted during the past couple of days, The Charlotte Observer reported.

Flights scheduled to leave RDU before noon Sept. 27, headed to cities including Boston, Detroit, Atlanta, Chicago, Indianapolis, Washington, D.C., Orlando and Austin, were canceled or delayed.

Check the status of flights to and from RDU Airport here.

This story was originally published September 27, 2024, 8:11 AM.

Duke Energy, emergency crews prepare for impacts of Hurricane Helene: 'Our crews are ready'

Cindy Bae

In Durham, first responders are looking out for flash flooding and downed trees.DURHAM, N.C. (WTVD) -- As Hurricane Helene closes in, North Carolina is bracing for what Gov. Roy Cooper ...

In Durham, first responders are looking out for flash flooding and downed trees.

DURHAM, N.C. (WTVD) -- As Hurricane Helene closes in, North Carolina is bracing for what Gov. Roy Cooper called Thursday an "unusually dangerous storm," with heavy rainfall, gusty winds and isolated severe storms expected across the Triangle.

"We've been managing water across our system to create additional space for the rainfall we anticipate," Duke Energy spokesperson Jeff Brooks said. "Then, of course, with that saturated ground, when you have wind gusts that come through, that can bring down trees, that can affect power lines."

Brooks said they're getting ready for Helene's arrival in the Carolinas after making "a lot of improvements" during the past few years that include strengthening the grid and making it more resistant to outages from severe weather.

"We've also been improving our resiliency using self-healing technologies that can automatically identify a power outage and reroute power to help restore service faster, and that's a big tool," Brooks said. "During major storms, about half the benefits we generate from that technology come during major storms. So, it's a great asset for our crews in the field to help restore power and limit the number of customers affected by an outage."

RELATED | How to report and check power outages in your area

Duke Energy also announced it secured more crews and has more than 10,000 resources ready to assist with restoration.

"Our crews are ready to respond where we see the outages and if we need to reposition those crews to better assist hard-hit areas, we can do that very quickly as the storm passes," Brooks said.

Local emergency response teams such as Durham County EMS also said they're prepared for Helene's impacts.

"Significant rain over a short period of time will give us flash flooding, things of that nature," Durham County EMS interim chief paramedic Gordon Smith said. "We can have downed trees with the wind, especially with the soggy soil, with the conditions over the last few days. So those are the main things that we'll be looking for."

Smith said as they anticipate the severe weather threat to increase, he urged people to be prepared as well.

"We would prefer everybody stay indoors and safe," Smith said. "But if you absolutely must leave the home ... do so with caution. And again, do not travel through any standing water."

Crews at the Durham Fire Department gathered in the Southpoint parking lot ahead of the storm on Thursday. The crew is one of many being deployed to the western branch area as part of the Incident Support Team.

Chapel Hill and Raleigh fire departments have also been deployed to help during the storm.

WATCH | Duke Energy on preparation for power outages from Helene

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Hurricane Helene on track to bring record rainfall, flooding to parts of NC | Live Radar

ABC11 Raleigh-Durham

RALEIGH, N.C. (WTVD) -- Heavy rainfall, gusty winds, and isolated severe storms will be possible for Central NC late Thursday night and Friday as remnants of Hurricane Helene track north into the southern Appalachians.A few afternoon showers and isolated storms are possible on Wednesday. Temperature highs will be in the mid-80s.Rain from storms overnight Tuesday and Wednesday produced a lot of rain that led to several flood warnings. Many of them have expired. That said, many parts of the ABC11 coverage should prepare for possi...

RALEIGH, N.C. (WTVD) -- Heavy rainfall, gusty winds, and isolated severe storms will be possible for Central NC late Thursday night and Friday as remnants of Hurricane Helene track north into the southern Appalachians.

A few afternoon showers and isolated storms are possible on Wednesday. Temperature highs will be in the mid-80s.

Rain from storms overnight Tuesday and Wednesday produced a lot of rain that led to several flood warnings. Many of them have expired. That said, many parts of the ABC11 coverage should prepare for possible flooding as Helene continues to churn towards Florida and then move north.

Person County School District is closed for students on Wednesday due to flooding and dangerous road conditions. According to the district, staff will report on a 2-hour delay.

Some saw and felt thunder and lightning overnight.

One of those bolts hit home on Infiniti Lane in Southeast Raleigh off Sunnybrook Road. When firefighters got there, they discovered the attic was on fire. All occupants fortunately got out safely.

WATCH | Lightning bolt sets house attic on fire in Raleigh

Wednesday morning a downed tree closed both lanes on Leesville Road near Ashcliff Lane in Durham. The road reopened after crews removed the tree.

Looking Ahead

Rain: Friday will be when the area will receive the biggest rain impacts. By then, Helene is expected to be a weakening tropical storm or depression. Tropical downpours may lead to locally heavy rain at times-likely 1 to 3 with an isolated 4" possible. So far this month, we've gotten 10.18" making it the 6th wettest September on record, and a couple of inches from Helene could surpass the current third place total of 11.92".

Wind: It'll turn breezy Thursday night. By Friday, wind gusts of 25 to 40mph will be possible, which may lead to power outages.

Tornado Risk: There is a level 1 risk for isolated tornadoes & damaging winds in the Sandhills Thursday night. This risk expands to all of Central NC on Friday.

THE WEEKEND: Saturday will be partly cloudy with a spotty shower. A few showers will be around Sunday with the upper-level energy nearby. Weekend highs will be in the low to mid-80s with lows in the 60s.

WATCH: The Weather Show talks about Hurricane Helene

Weather Safety Tips

Here are some useful resources:

You can use the Flood Inundation Mapping and Alert Network to track water levels near you and which areas may be impacted by flooding.

You can report a power outage at 57801, use the Duke Energy app or their website.

You can check for road closures due to the storm.


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